Thursday, April 1, 2010

Long term plan? – What the heck

Today one of my friends asked me over a chat casually about my long term plans. My response was as one would expect: ‘Haven’t thought about it’.

I wonder if that qualifies to be a question at all. I heard people talking about having a clear long term plan in place in order to go in the right direction in life. Heard people talking about having a vision in life, having a clear mind, being stable in life, taking calculated risks in life, making a niche for yourself, earning respect and status in the society, keeping your parents happy and what not.

I have a question. Do we really need to be that ‘clear-minded’, ‘nice’ and ‘good’?

I have got no long term plans. Forget about long term, not even short term plans. I don’t plan. ‘Plan’ is a meaningless, made-up, self-satisfying word which has got significance only in a virtual world. No wonder it’s often used by the so-called managers. I even heard people talking about pre-plan. What the hell is this anyway? Plan before you plan? Give me a break.

Live in the present. Live real. Do what you want. Give a shit about what is to be done. Do what makes you happy. Don’t think. Thinking leads to complications. Complications are annoying.

Life is simple and it's ought to be lived that way.