Friday, January 22, 2010

I hate...

Can you hate somebody without even talking to that person? forget about talking, whom you have not even seen in person, just heard them talking.

Of course you can. When I can hate so many people, Why can't you? 
I hate many, but the three persons whom I hate the most in life are:

Fardeen Khan - Pathetically disastrous actor. The worst actor ever. I hate him.

Rakhi Sawant - Uniquely cheap and uncivilized. Can't forget those 'I love Jejus', 'It's hurts' liners of hers. I hate her.

Ghanta Singh (94.3 FM) - Very very annoying, irritating and silly. Ghanta Singh is not funny. I hate him.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My top 10 Resolutions

New Year is the time when everyone takes resolutions. 
Why should one care to resolve something? 

It might sound dramatic when I say "All that a Resolution needs to become a Revolution is changing S to V". Just a thought. For the revolutionists, this is the perfect time to resolve to bring in a revolution. 
For the not-so-enthued-I-Aint-Any-Extraordinary guys like me, resolution is just an excuse to be better - to earn well, to keep healthy, to value relationships, to lead a more disciplined life, to become more social, to create an impact on people who matter, to enjoy the pleasures of life and so on.

I (commit to) resolve:

to stay in touch with my dear ones
to eat well
to sleep well
to develop empathy
not to be so self-centered
to take things head on, instead of taking the easy way out
to look happy
to put on some weight
to go places
to surprise people (I like this the most)

Resolutions can be unlimited, but i would limit mine to just these 10 for this year and see how strong my commitment is.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

31 Dec - 1st Jan is the time when you get emails, SMS's, calls from your friends, relatives, not-so-known contacts, wishing all the happiness and success for the new year. You say Thanks and wish the same. How typical. It happens every year. 

Nobody knows what the new year has in store for him or her, yet we celebrate every 31st night as if some great things are waiting for us. If great things are really bound to happen, they will happen in any case, so what's this fuss all about? I'm not against celebrations, don't take me wrong; but all that I'm not for are these wishes or rather fake pre-defined wishes that people exchange. Is it for real? Do you really think the drunk bikers speeding at 60 kmph shouting "Happy New Year" at the top of their voice on some random roads of Bangalore care how your new year would be? People just say for the sake of saying. They don't mean it.

31st Dec is a day in the month of December and the next day, 1st Jan is a day in the month of January. They just happen to be in 2 different calendar years. That's it. Please don't glorify it.

Happy New Year - What ever makes you happy !!